Cattle Details

Born To Boogie

Cattle Name:
Born To Boogie

Cattle #:

8220 - Born To Boogie came straight off the Berger ranch where many great bulls have been raised like Yellow Jacket, Little Yellow Jacket, Moody Blues and many many more
Although the sire is not known on this cow, what is important is the mother, as she is a daughter of Berger's Boogie Man. Many people, including the Bergers will telll you that some of their best bulls come from Boogie Man daughters.
Born To Boogie has already raised two bull calves that had a lot of potential. We did not get video of her first bull calf but you can watch a video on her second bull calf, 8220B below.

Sire Info: Berger Bulls ()


Dam Info: 13 (X13 Boogie Man Daughter)

The mother to Cow 8220 is Cow X13 who is a daughter of Berger's Boogie Man.


Registration Papers:


Picture of Cow 8220

Picture of Bull 8220A, the first bull calf raised by Cow 8220

Picture of 8220B, the second Bull calf raised by Cow 8220


Video of Bull calf 8220B bucking, son of Cow Born To Boogie

13 (X13 Boogie Man Daughter)

Berger Bulls ()

Bucking Bull Games, the Jaynes Gang, and Billy Jaynes are in no way affiliated with the PBR